Neighborhoods in Berlin – Schöneweide

Schöneweide was known as an area of hardworking people, there are old factories, the brewery, and maybe it was a bit away from the city … (some people told me that before it had a connotation of people who were not tolerant, let’s say not very open to others different to them). I do not […]
Cómo son los vecindarios en Berlín – Schöneweide

Schöneweide era conocida como un área de gente trabajadora, hay fábricas viejas, la cervecería y quizá era medio alejada de la ciudad… (algunas personas igual me dijeron que antes tenía una connotación de gente poco tolerante, digamos no muy abierta a los diferentes a ellos). No sé mucho, pero ahora es donde vivo y me […]
How to get ready for Springtime in Germany

Great! This week I have prepared a short video for you and it has to do with springtime. I hope you enjoy the shots of flowers, colors and also learn some German with the romantic poem. Enjoy my tip for Spring, especially if you come from a warm country! I also want to thank Mr. […]